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Global Scholars and Practitioners in Residence

The Global Scholar/Practitioner in Residence program brings recognized and experienced scholars and professionals in various international fields to campus to teach part-time and serve as mentors to students.

Participating scholars and practitioners also engage with campus and community through research and public lectures and help further Drake’s institutional partnerships. Past participants represent eight countries and have expertise in religion, medicine, political science, sociology, media, pharmaceutical science, management, business, and law. 


The Center is seeking to attract talented individuals from academia or the professions who have outstanding international expertise to teach a course, mentor students, give public lectures, work on joint research with faculty, and aid the global capacity-building of the institution through fruitful external collaborations. The call for nominations is open year round, with nominations for the next academic year due on March 1st of the current year. 

Nomination Instructions

Candidates should be nominated by the academic unit to which they will be attached. Please submit the following supporting materials: 

  • A nomination letter discussing the qualifications of the candidate and expected contributions to the department and University as a whole
  • The candidate’s biographical information, which can take the form of a resume or CV 
  • A letter of interest from the candidate
  • A letter of support from the department chair and college/school dean, including how the scholar advances departmental and college/school strategic goals related to internationalization

Nomination materials should be submitted to this Qualtrics form. If there are difficulties submitting nomination materials, or if there are any questions related to the nomination process, please contact us at Nominators are encouraged to consult with our office before submitting a nomination. 

Among the criteria to be considered for the nominee:

  1. A record of recognized international leadership and distinguished professional accomplishment in any field.
  2. A documented commitment to international understanding and global citizenship.
  3. An ability to bring unique perspectives and experiences to bear in relation to relating to Drake faculty, staff, students and members of the local community.
  4. A willingness and ability to offer courses that complement the existing curriculum and meet rigorous academic standards.

In recognition of their contributions, Global Practitioners/Scholars receive a stipend, a travel allowance, an appropriate workspace in the host college/school, and access to university facilities. Global Practitioners/Scholars will be affiliated with an appropriate academic unit for at least one semester and offer at least one course per term.